When the Stars Aligned

Did you know that scientist say the odds of being born are at least 1 in 400 trillion, maybe even quadrillion? The chance of being alive today is damn near impossible but yet here we are, breathing and S^&*. All facts and jokes aside you and I were born for a reason and with a purpose. And right now my purpose is to show you how special and amazing you are. When you born, with your name, at the exact time on that exact date, the planets and universe aligned. Now science and religion may disagree on a lot of things but there are somethings you simply cannot dispute. We are energetic spiritual beings with a divine purpose for good or evil, no matter our origin. The study of movements and relative positions of celestial bodies and this influence on human affairs and the natural world is known as Astrology. The study of Astrology has been used to determine character traits, life paths, life events and so much more. This is not to say that you should live and die by your astrological sign however I do believe there is power in knowing your connection to the universe. 

 On my self-discovery journey, I came across the healing powers of crystals. Formed naturally within our earth crystals, raw or polished are used to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual healing and wellbeing. The metamorphic process that it goes through is very reminiscent to the metamorphic process of life. For example, a common crystal linked to our heart chakra called rose quartz is used to for welcoming in and accepting love. There are crystals that are said to help aide in releasing anxiety, for taping into your intuition, for bringing in prosperity and so much more. It’s funny because while I was on this journey, I discovered that some of my closest friends were also on this journey and it is a beautiful thing because we were all open and receptive to things that we had never known about before and were experiencing positive change because we did so. The magnetic and energetic power you feel when holding a crystal in your hand is one that cannot be explained and if you are open and receptive, I urge you to do so. Google the nearest metaphysical store near you or order one online. Be careful because there are fakes out there so purchase wisely. Crystals like astrology is another method to help you become in alignment with yourself and together can be used to welcome in acceptance, love and light into your journey. 

 Also on my journey I came across animal and spirt guides and angel numbers. While going through a difficult time in my life, I would frequently go outside to sit on the patio and talk to myself and God. Each and everytime I did this, I happened to notice a dove perched on the street sign adjacent from me. At first I paid this no mind, but one day I was inspired to read into the meaning of seeing a dove. A dove, a spiritual representation of peace. Used in the bible to help signify the end of a storm. Soon after my storm ended. Since then every time I see a dove, I get so filled with gratitude knowing that the presence of God is close by and it gives me peace knowing that storms aren’t forever and that there is light after dark. Ancient cultures have known to regard different animals as spiritual with many purposes and its presence can signify many things depending on its context. My spiritual animal is a dove, my best friends is a dragon fly, what’s yours? Angel numbers, 11:11, 222 and so forth are said to be numbers said while in alignment with self to help angels and guides communicate with you to help provide guidance on your path. What numbers do you see frequently? Write them down and the message that you receive. I recently watched a TedX talk on Youtube titled “Do You See the Signs of the Universe? by Ulla Suokko and it inspired me not only take notice of the signs but to trust the universe and act on those messages. This is one of the reasons why I am writing this blog today. You see my mission in life has always been to help others and after a career in psychology and after many years I discovered that although on the right path, I was ready for a new way. A way that didn’t drain me of my energy, that empowered me and still allowed me to give to and uplift others. 


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