In a Room Full of Every Bodies

In our society to not have a social media account is virtually unheard of. Girls as young as 4 are asking their parents for a Tic Tok account and are experts in the catchy dances and latest trends. The use of social media is at an all-time high with an user average of 2 hours and 30 minutes a day. For 2 hours and 30 minutes we are scrolling news feed and watching reels and become consumed and infatuated with the images of women with perfectly enhanced bodies, with face tuned pictures, posed perfectly with no flaws, living a luxurious life with the hottest clothes by Balenciaga and the most expensive bags by Birkin. 

According to a recent report by Google, the number of BBLs’ performed has increased over 90% between 2015 and 2019 and is attributed to the use of social media. Girls and women all over the world in all social classes are signing up to have one of the most deadliest surgery in the world to enhance their bodies due to celebrity and pop culture influence. Women are traveling all around the world, meeting in back alleys and getting illegal injections risking their lives just to enhance their bodies. Studies have also shown that the use of Botox and other cosmetic procedures such as lip injections is on the rise and has increased over 25% in the past year. We have become a culture obsessed with material belongings and vanity, a culture that demonizes being average and individuality. This new lifestyle does not come cheap and actually has a pretty expensive cost. Not only does it cost money and potentially your life, it will also cost you your mental health and self esteem. 

“None are so empty as those who are full of themselves ~ Benjamin Whichcote”


The effects that social media has on both adolescent and young adult women has been shown to cause extreme harm to our development and mental health. Numerous studies have reported that social media use correlates with an increase in depression, low self esteem, loneliness and increase anxiety. Depression has been linked to eating disorders, the increase in the use of anti-depressants and has been correlated to other symptoms of depression including hopelessness and thoughts of suicide. Low self esteem has been linked to poor body image and an overall high dissatisfaction for life. 

So not only are we more obsessed and depressed we are doomed right? Absolutely not. 

The purpose of this blog is not to bash anyone for their choices and the strong influence that culture has on us but to educate and uplift women into making better choices to live a more happier and healthier lifestyle, the true life of luxury. We as women must take responsibility for ourselves, heal from our traumas and reclaim our right to be us, without judgement with flaws. It’s a reason we are not born with the body shapes, with the same anatomy or hair color. Its because we are meant to be unique, we are meant to embrace ourselves and everyone knows that a well loved and confident woman can outshine anyone that steps into a room. So what do we do?

1. First take a look at yourself, I mean truly look at yourself (naked in the mirror) and access all of your perceived flaws. After that access why to you perceive them to be flaws. Who told you that your body wasn’t good enough? Who told you that you were not enough? After this take a look at your mental health. Why do you feel so negatively about yourself? What childhood or adult trauma’s have influenced your behaviors and how you look at life? Doing the shadow work to heal is so important so educate yourself on techniques to heal trauma including some of my favorites, therapy, journaling, the use crystals and spending time in nature to reflect. The key to loving yourself is healing yourself from the inside out. We were not born self conscious, we were not born to hate ourselves. At some point life made us this way and yes it’s a part of life but it doesn’t have to be a part of you. 

2. Secondly surround yourself with people of like mind and values while reducing the amount of time spend on social media comparing yourself to others. Having one good and loyal friend is way more valuable then having 10 fake friends, so choose your circle wisely. You become who you surround yourself with, so choose loyal, so choose beautiful, choose intelligent and choose fearless. 

3. Thirdly, Love yourself. I mean every part of yourself. Find the discipline to work on things that bother you. Work out, go to the gym, take a dance class. Invest in your physical appearance as you would a cosmetic procedure. The cost is way less and it will last a lifetime. Develop a lifestyle surrounded by the love for self and do things that make you look and feel your best. Pamper your skin, learn to love and take care of your natural hair and do things that make you smile from within. Having surgery may enhance your physical but not will change how you feel about your physical self which will lead to more surgeries and more procedures in an attempt to fix what can only be fixed from the inside. 

There a so many ways to love yourself and in this journey we will teach you how. We know how hard it is because we have at some point in time felt the way you are feeling now. In a room full of “everybodies” it is perfectly okay to choose yourself, to stand out from the crowd, to let your beauty speak for itself and to speak it loud. 

“Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself ~Coco Chanel”

In what ways has social media affected your self esteem and what did you do about it, if anything?  Let us know down in the comments. 

~LuXuriouy Loved

Related: The Clique

Warning: This post and all of its content and materials is "Copyright" by Lux Amor Candle Co LLC 2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED .



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