Greatness Takes Time


 Ok so we have discussed the effects that today's society has on our development, our mental health and self-esteem. We have made active efforts to learn about who we truly are and to address and heal the traumas that have inflicted us. We have opened our minds and hearts to identify our purpose and have taken the steps to learn about various practices that help us align to our higher self. So that’s it, right? No. As previously stated, the self-discovery journey is an endless yet beautiful one. There are so many ways that we can expand the connection to our universe, or maker and ourselves and I want to explore some more of these practices and techniques with you. I am no expert, but I have implemented these practices and have found value in them. So let’s explore. There is a known connection between the mind, the body and the soul. To feed one, feeds the others, and to destroy one is to destroy the other. In order to strengthen your connection to yourself it starts with the mind.

 Your thoughts are extremely powerful and can affect all areas of your life. Your thoughts can create happiness or pain, sickness or health and wealth or success. We must feed our mind with positivity and love in order to thrive in life in the physical and in the soul. To control our thoughts we must understand how our minds work. Subconscious thoughts have the strongest impact on we become, yet they are thoughts stored in our mind that we do not access daily. These thoughts are shaped through our experience and developed by patterns from our early and current life. These thoughts affect our belief on our worthiness, how we behave and are they reason we are who we are and think the way we today. To change your subconscious thoughts is to change your life. Our conscious thoughts are our everyday thoughts. Thoughts that we are aware of and can affect our actions or mood for the today. It controls us but subconscious shapes and molds us. There are many ways to explore the depts of our mind, so let's get into it. 

 The body. That beautiful and strong vessel that has carried us through life, the one that continues to thrive despite how it has been mistreated and unappreciated. We only get one vessel in this life, so the importance of taking care our bodies is an understatement. I'm not one to talk because I am guilty of not loving and respecting my body and most certainly can do a better job at taking care of, but I am making strides and efforts daily and I let my body know that I am thankful for it and speak healing into it daily. It’s well known that we must drink our water, eat health, exercise but do really do it. Naw. The effects of not taking care of our bodies result in disease that manifest, pain, stress and eventually death. Let your body know that you appreciate it. Take long baths, pamper your skin, feed it good things and, you will see how well your body treats you. Neglect it and them Megan Knees are gone, you can’t drop anything like it hot. Seriously speak health and healing over your power and find ways to love the skin and body you are in. My new thing is Aerial Dance, and not only does it strengthen my mind it is strengthening my body and it’s loving me for it. Feeding your body also involves indulging your other senses so listen to things that promote wellness, smelling things that trigger positive thoughts and emotions (check out our candles, incense, and room sprays @Luxamorcandleco, @Lux_amor_candle_co), taste things that bring that makes dance out of happiness, touch people and things that trigger pleasure and satisfaction and view things and people that are beautiful that sparks awe and gratitude. The Soul. Off to hell in a hand basket you go. Just kidding. Whether you believe in hell or not, you cannot deny that we are composed of some sort of external energy that is beyond or mind and soul. 

How are you fostering change and greatness in your life?  Please let us know by sharing in the comments below. 


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